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TMJ Disorders

Understanding, Diagnosing, and Treating Jaw Pain

Navigating TMJ Disorders for Optimal Jaw Health

 Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders can lead to discomfort, pain, and limitations in jaw movement. At Care For Smiles, we specialise in diagnosing and treating TMJ disorders to help you achieve optimal jaw health and relief from related symptoms.

Understanding TMJ Disorders

What is the TMJ?

The TMJ is the joint that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull. It allows for the smooth movement of your jaw during activities such as talking, eating, and yawning.

Common Signs of TMJ Disorders:

  1. Jaw pain or tenderness.
  2. Clicking or popping sounds when opening or closing the mouth.
  3. Difficulty or discomfort while chewing.
  4. Locking of the jaw.
  5. Headaches or earaches.
TMJ Disorders

Causes of TMJ Disorders

  1. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Clenching or grinding your teeth can contribute to TMJ issues.

  2. Arthritis: Inflammatory joint disorders, such as arthritis, may affect the TMJ.

  3. Injury or Trauma: Physical trauma to the jaw or joint can lead to TMJ disorders.

  4. Misalignment of the Teeth: Malocclusion or misaligned teeth can impact jaw function.

  5. Stress: Emotional stress and tension can manifest as jaw-related symptoms.

Our Approach to Managing TMJ Disorders

  1. Thorough Examination: Dr. Rishay Naidoo will conduct a comprehensive examination, including an assessment of your jaw movement and any associated symptoms.

  2. Diagnosis: Accurate diagnosis is crucial. We may use imaging, such as X-rays, to understand the structure and condition of the TMJ.

  3. Personalised Treatment Plan: A tailored treatment plan will be developed to address the specific factors contributing to your TMJ disorder.

  4. Conservative Therapies: Non-invasive treatments such as lifestyle changes, stress management, and jaw exercises may be recommended.

  5. Dental Appliances: Customised oral appliances, such as nightguards, may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms and prevent further damage.

  6. Physical Therapy: In some cases, physical therapy exercises can help improve jaw function and reduce discomfort.

Tips for Managing TMJ Disorders


Avoid Excessive Jaw Movement

Limit activities that require extensive jaw movement, such as chewing gum or biting hard objects.


Apply Moist Heat or Ice

Applying a warm or cold compress can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.

Fitting and Adjustments

Practice Stress Management

Techniques such as relaxation exercises or meditation can be beneficial.

Usage Instructions

Soft Diet

opt for softer foods that require less chewing to reduce strain on the jaw.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you’re experiencing jaw pain, clicking, or other symptoms associated with TMJ disorders, schedule an appointment with Dr. Rishay Naidoo at Care For Smiles. Our expertise in diagnosing and treating TMJ issues will help you find relief and achieve optimal jaw health.

Contact us at (03) 9482 1100 or visit our clinic at 254 Darebin Road, Fairfield, Victoria 3078, Australia.

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