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Your Orthodontic Expert

Dr Rishay Naidoo has been performing both traditional braces (metal and ceramic – white) and clear aligners (e.g. Invisalign, ClearCorrect) since 2017 and has had an additional 2.5 years of part time training exclusively in orthodontics.

Do I need to straighten my teeth? Fix my bite? 

Straighter teeth don’t just look better; they work better too. Poorly-aligned teeth can interfere with bite function, wear out quicker, and are more prone to cavities and gum disease.

Everything begins with a thorough clinical exam, photos, x-rays and impressions of your teeth and only then can Dr Rishay determine if braces are a good choice for you and an appropriate treatment plan can be developed to help solve your orthodontic problem. Not only are we looking to create a beautiful smile, we are also looking at giving you a correct bite as well.

There are 2 common ways we fix smiles and bites
1. Traditional braces (metal or ceramic with a wire and are on your teeth 24/7)
2. Clear Aligners (clear plastic that you can remove but need to wear 22hrs+ a day)

Both have their pros and cons and need to be discussed with Dr Rishay to see if you are suitable to be treated.


Some common Orthodontic problems we treat are:

  • Space issues – where the teeth are very “crooked” and don’t fit together well due to space loss or lack of space, or the reverse you have large spaces and gaps you would like closed.

  • “Buck teeth” or an overbite – when the upper front teeth stick out far out over the lower front teeth.

  • A “reverse bite” or an under bite – when the upper front teeth are too far back or the lower front teeth are too far forward

  • Midline asymmetry – when the middle of the upper front teeth doesn’t line up with the middle of  your face and is off to one side.

  • Crossbite/s – when the tooth or teeth are in the reverse bite position.

  • Narrow jaws – when you smile you don’t see many teeth in your smile and it looks dark/black towards the side of your smile.

  • Bite issues – when your front teeth don’t touch together (an open-bite) or the reverse when your bite is very closed (a deep-bite)

Clear Aligners

Goodbye braces.
Hello Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are a simple, effective way to straighten your teeth, so you can get a smile you’ll love. It is the clear and simple alternative to braces.

It’s a series of clear, custom-made, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth as you wear them, each aligner moving your teeth just a little bit at a time.

They’re practically invisible, so most people won’t even know you are in treatment, they fit you perfectly, so they are more comfortable than regular braces, and they are removable, so you can eat whatever you like and clean your teeth normally.

Ask Dr Rishay for more information about ClearCorrect/Aligners and what it can do for you.

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Dr. Rishay Naidoo: Your Orthodontic Expert

Dr. Rishay Naidoo brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the world of orthodontics. Since 2017, he has been dedicated to transforming smiles through both traditional braces, including metal and ceramic options, and modern clear aligners like Invisalign and Clear Correct. Dr. Naidoo’s commitment to excellence is underscored by an additional 2.5 years of part-time training exclusively in orthodontics, ensuring that each patient receives the highest standard of care.

Why Straighten Your Teeth?

Beyond Aesthetics: Functional Benefits

“Fix my bite? Straighten my teeth?” If these questions resonate with you, you’re not alone. At Care For Smiles, we understand that straighter teeth aren’t just about aesthetics; they work better too. Misaligned teeth can impact bite function, lead to quicker wear and tear, and increase the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Comprehensive Assessment for Personalised Solutions

Your Journey Begins with Understanding

Before recommending any orthodontic treatment, Dr. Rishay conducts a thorough clinical examination, captures detailed photos, takes x-rays, and creates impressions of your teeth. This comprehensive approach allows us to understand your unique orthodontic needs fully. Only then can we determine if traditional braces or clear aligners are the right choice for you.

Traditional Braces vs. Clear Aligners

Two Paths to a Beautiful Smile

  1. Traditional Braces: Whether metal or ceramic, these braces consist of a wire and are worn on your teeth 24/7, providing continuous correction.

  2. Clear Aligners: A clear plastic alternative that you can remove, but it requires wearing for 22 hours or more each day. They offer a discreet and flexible solution to teeth straightening.

Both options have their pros and cons, and Dr. Rishay will discuss with you to determine the most suitable treatment based on your individual needs.

Common Orthodontic Problems We Treat

Solutions Tailored to You

At Care For Smiles, we address a range of orthodontic issues, including:

  • Space issues
  • “Buck teeth” or overbite
  • “Reverse bite” or underbite
  • Midline asymmetry
  • Crossbites
  • Narrow jaws
  • Bite issues
Orthodontic Problems
Clear Aligners

Clear Aligners: Hello, ClearCorrect!

A Clear and Comfortable Alternative

Say goodbye to braces and hello to Clear Aligners! This innovative solution is a simple, effective way to achieve a straighter smile without the need for traditional braces.

  1. Invisible: Practically invisible, so most people won’t even know you’re in treatment.

  2. Comfortable: Custom-made to fit you perfectly, offering enhanced comfort.

  3. Removable: Enjoy the freedom to eat what you like and clean your teeth normally.

Ask Dr. Rishay for more information about ClearCorrect/Aligners and discover how this clear and simple alternative can transform your smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Orthodontic treatment may be necessary if you experience issues like misaligned teeth, bite problems, or spacing irregularities. Dr. Rishay Naidoo will conduct a thorough assessment to determine if orthodontic intervention is recommended for you.

Traditional braces involve metal or ceramic brackets and wires worn 24/7, providing continuous correction. Clear aligners, like Invisalign or ClearCorrect, are removable and nearly invisible, offering a discreet alternative with flexibility.

The duration of treatment varies based on individual needs. On average, orthodontic treatment can range from several months to a few years. Dr. Rishay will provide a personalised timeline during your consultation.

While there may be some initial discomfort or pressure when braces are adjusted or when starting a new set of aligners, it is generally manageable. Any discomfort is temporary and can often be alleviated with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Absolutely. Orthodontic treatment is not limited to children and teenagers. Many adults seek orthodontic care to improve the alignment of their teeth and achieve a healthier, more confident smile.

Clear aligners can be highly effective for mild to moderate orthodontic issues. However, the suitability of either option depends on individual cases. Dr. Rishay will assess your needs and discuss the most appropriate treatment for you.

Regular appointments are essential for adjusting braces or monitoring clear aligner progress. Typically, appointments are scheduled every 4-6 weeks, but this may vary based on your treatment plan.

With traditional braces, some dietary restrictions may apply to avoid damaging the brackets. Clear aligners are removable, allowing you to eat without restrictions. It's important to maintain good oral hygiene regardless of the treatment option.

No referral is necessary. Feel free to contact Care For Smiles directly to schedule an orthodontic consultation with Dr. Rishay Naidoo. We welcome new patients and are ready to assist you on your orthodontic journey.

Yes, we offer flexible payment plans to make orthodontic care accessible. Our team can discuss financial options and help you find a plan that fits your budget.

Before & After


Ready to take the first step towards a straighter, healthier smile?

Contact us at (03) 9482 1100 or visit our practice at 254 Darebin Road, Fairfield, Victoria.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more information and updates on orthodontic care at Care For Smiles.